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Gearing up to send 100s of Bikes to Madagascar

Gearing up to send 100s of Bikes to Madagascar

Bike Aid Volunteers inspect a donated bike

Thanks to the generosity of bike donors and the hard work of the Bike Aid volunteers, Adsum's aim of sending hundreds of bikes and essential supplies to Madagascar is within reach! 

In under one month's time, Adsum hopes that over 300 bikes will be making their longest journey yet - from Belfast to Madagascar. 

The bikes donated from across Northern Ireland have been lovingly restored by the incredible Bike Aid volunteers - a team of individuals with both a love for cycling and philanthropy. 

The benefits of bike ownership in Madagascar, where over 90% of the population live below the international poverty line, really are life-changing. The provision of bikes will give their owners and their families access to education, work, markets, healthcare and more. 

To cover the shipping costs, the Adsum Foundation are reaching out to businesses with a charitable mind for some assistance through the provision of sponsorship. Interested businesses should contact for further information on the project and the benefits of establishing a partnership. 

Adsum are also running a fundraising raffle (Books of 10 tickets: £10) to bring in essential funds for the shipping of the life-changing container. Click here to see the list of prizes and to enter: RAFFLE

See pictured below some of those who benefitted from the last shipment of bikes. 

Bike beneficiaries(1).jpg




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